4. FAO Presentation
Dr. F. Mazaud gave a report on GFAR mission and aims, Declaration on global partnerships in agricultural research, its structure, head bodies, their functions and objectives.
Dr. F. Mazaud gave the information about FAO Web-site in Internet on post-harvest sector. Each interested country or person could use the existing there information and make additions.
Each participant was presented a CD with Web-site content and resume on GFAR.
The aim of the Workshop is to develop the strategy of post-harvest sector development at sub-regional level.
To achieve this aim the following problems were discussed at the Workshop:
● analysis of the problem at the level of each of the countries and in the range of sub-regions – Central Asia and Caucasus;
● reveal of potential and restrictions of post-harvest sector in the region;
●evaluation of raw material, technical, organizational, institutional and informational needs of post-harvest sector
● work out of main directions of post-harvest sector development;
● development of Regional strategy for post-harvest sector;
● determination of concrete actions to be taken for realization of this strategy.
At the final session of the Workshop all the participants expressed satisfaction of the work and considered that the aim of the Workshop was achieved. Proceedings of the Workshop will serve the initial stage for the development of concrete measures for post-harvest sector development in our country. The Workshop gave the participants the possibility to set personal contacts between the scientists and they expressed their wish to develop them in future.