Almaty, Kazakhstan
20-22 February, 2002
List of participants/speakers
1. Sadyk Salakhov, Academician, Director, Azerbaijan Research Institute of Economics of Agriculture; Tel.: 8 10 99412 615498; 622273, fax: 8 10 99412 615498; 3097 Darnagul street, 370138 Baku, Azerbaijan
2. Vagid ABBASSOV; Professorc Chief Researcher, Azerbaijan Research Institute of Economics of Agriculture; Tel.: 8 10 99412 615498; 622273, fax: 8 10 99412 615498; 3097 Darnagul street, 370138 Baku, Azerbaijan
3. Garnik PETROSYAN, Dr., Specialist, Department of Science, Education and New Technologies, MOA; Tel.: 8 10 3741 520207 (office), 8 10 3741 24 44 00(home), fax: 8 10 3741 52 15 24; 23/28 Rubinants street, Erevan, Armenia;
4. Mickael OGANESSYAN, Dr. Professor, Researcher, “Paren” Scientific and Industrial Corporation; Tel.: 8 10 3741 61 24 68 (office), 8 10 3741 52 21 46 (home), fax: 8 10 3741 52 37 93; e-mail:
biophys@ipia.sci.am; 4, Arzachy street, Erevan, Armenia;Georgia
5. Nougzar BAGATOURIYA, Academician, Director, Georgian Food Industry Research Institute; Tel.: 8 10 99532 617302 (office), 8 10 99532 610598 (home), fax: 8 10 99532 522997; 57 Ramadze street app.7, Tbilisi, Georgia;
6. Guram PAPOUNIDZE, Director, Academician, Georgian Research Institute of
Storage and Processing of Subtropical Crops; Tel.: 8 10 995222 70 941(office), 8 0 995222 75 021 (home), fax: 8 10 995222 70 941; e-mail: men@ibenapac.ge; 13 D.Achmashenebel street , Batumi, Georgia;
7. Boroshil SAIPOV, Dr. Professor, Science Division Head, Kyrgyz Agrarian University; Tel.: 8 10 996312 54 52 10 (office), fax: 996312 54 05 45; e-mail:
kaa@imfika.bishkek.su; 68 Mederova street , Bishkek, 720005 Kyrgyzstan;8. Valeriy ABASSOV, Dr.Professor, Deputy Director, Kyrgyz Agriculture Research Institute; Tel.: 8 10 996312 25 05 15 (office), fax: 8 10 996312 51 95 45; 73/1 Timura Frunze street , Bishkek, 720027 Kyrgyzstan;
9. Bobo SANGINOV, Academician, President, Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Tel.: 8 10 992372 217 004, 213 757; fax: 217 004, e-mail:
sanginov@td.silk.org; 44 Rudaki street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan;10. Toursounbay AKHMEDOV, Dr. Professor, Director General, “Bogparvar” Scientific and Industrial Centre; Tel.: 8 10 992372 313 747; fax: 217 004; 17 Giprozemgorodok, Dushanbe;
11. Sherali NOURMOURATOV, Dr. Professor, Deputy Minister, Director General, Uzbek Scientific and Industrial Centre of Agricultural Sciences; Tel.: 8 10 99871 2414507, fax: 8 10 99871 1394993; 1 Yusupova street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;
12. Bahtiyer KAMILOV, Dr. Professor, Department Head, Uzbek Scientific and Industrial Centre of Agricultural Sciences; Tel.: 8 10 99871 2414507, fax: 8 10 99871 1394993; e-mail:
uzpca@tkt.uz; 1 Yusupova street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;13. Bakhodir KHALIKOV, Dr., Head of Department, Uzbek Research Institute of Plants Growing; tel.: 8 10 998712 64 20 45; 700 123 Okkavan village, Kibraosa district, Tashkent region;
14. Azimkhan SATYBALDIN, Academician, CAC Agricultural Research Forum, Director
General, National Academic Centre of Agrarian Research (NACAR); tel.: 3272 62 52 17, fax: 3272 62 38 31; e-mail
nacar@itte.kz; 79 Ablay Khan av., Almaty, Kazakhstan;15. Clara TULEMISSOVA, Academician, Head, Department of Food, Food Processing and Storage, NACAR; tel.: 3272 62 39 77, fax: 3272 62 38 31; e-mail
nacar@itte.kz; 79 Ablay Khan av., Almaty, Kazakhstan;16.Vladimir GRIGORUK, Corresponding Member, Deputy Head, Department of Food, Food Processing and Storage, NACAR; tel.: 3272 62 52 17, fax: 3272 62 38 31; e-mail
nacar@itte.kz; 79 Ablay Khan av., Almaty, Kazakhstan;17. Saule BAKIROVA, Dr., Senior Researcher, Food Industry Institute; tel.: 3272 62 52 17, fax: 3272 62 38 31; e-mail
nacar@itte.kz; 79 Ablay Khan av., Almaty, Kazakhstan;18. Dayrabay ABDELI, Dr. Professor, Director, Institute of Food Industry; tel./fax:3272 21 66 47, e-mail:
food@kazniipp.samal.kz; 51 Jandosova street, Almaty, Kazakhstan;19. Abdumanap OSPANOV, Dr. Professor, Director, Kazakh Research Institute of Grain and Its Processing Products;Tel.: 3172 310 193, fax: 310 196, e-mail:kazniizpp@dan.kz; 9-90Samal district, Astan, Kazakhstan;
20. Anatoly POPELYUSHKO, Chairman, Entrepreneurs Union, Director General of JS Rakhat (Confectionery); tel.: 3272 620 452; fax: 636 802, e-mail:
spppk@nursat.kz; 93 Maulenova street, Almaty, Kazakhstan21. Abdylmyrza MARALOV, Dr., Chairman, Board of Directors, Altyn Diirmen Corporation, tel.: 3272 361 517; fax: 353 832; 263 Suyunbay av., Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kopmagambet YELEMESSOV, academician, Deputy Director General, NACAR, tel: 3272 623831; fax: 3272 623831; e-mail:
nacar@itte.kz; 79 Ablay Khan av., Almaty, Kazakhstan22. Vladimir GOLIKOV, academician, Academician-secretary, NACAR, tel.: 3272 626682; Ablay Khan av.79, Almaty, Kazakhstan
23. Irina MAMLEYEVA, Dr., Scientific secretary-consultant, NACAR, tel: 3272 623977; fax: 3272 623831; e-mail:
nacar@itte.kz24. Galina DUDIKOVA, Deputy Director, Kazakhs Research Institute of Food Industry, tel.:3272 573922; fax: 3272 216647; e-mail:galina@niipp.sam; 51 Zhandossov str., Almaty, Kazakhstan
25. Saylay BABAYEV, Dr., Director, Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable, tel.: 3272 8- 27151472; s. Kaynar, Karassay , Almaty region
Auelbek IZTAYEV, Dr., Head of the Chair, Almaty Technological University, tel.:3272 935284; 100 Tole-Bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan
26.Nina BEZRUKOVA, Vice-President, Entrepreneurs Union, tel.:3272 620452;
Fax.:3272 636802, e-mail:
spppk@nursat.kz, 93 Maulenov str.,Almaty, Kazakhstan27. ABIROV, Supervisor of the agrarian project, JS “Vita”, tel. 3272 509957; 93 Bekmakhinov str.93, Almaty, Kazakhstan
28. Fatima BERDOLY, Director Commercial, JS Almaty Margarine Plant, tel.:3272 682760, 69 Bayzakov str., Almaty, Kazakhstan
29. Valentina PIDLISNYUK, Dr. Professor, Chairman, Agroecology Chair, National Agrarian University; tel.: 38 044 2678 765; fax: 2 614 122; e-mail:
pidlis@carrier.kiev.ua; 17 Geroyev oborony street, N2, Kiev, Ukraine;30. Valery TSVILIKHOVSKY, Junior Researcher, National Agrarian University; tel.: 38 044 267 80 17; fax: 267 89 54, 263 71 55; e-mail:
smelnich@nauu.kievua ; 1a Rodimtsev street, room 107, Kiev, Ukraine;SIMMYT
31. Alex MORGOUNOV, Dr., SIMMYT Regional Coordinator in CAC, Almaty; tel.: 3272 28 49 47/285966; fax: 282 551, e-mail:
amourgunov@astel.kz; G.O. Box 374, Almaty, 480000, KazakhstanParticipants from FAO
32. Francois MAZAUD, Dr., Senior Officer, Post-Harvest Management, GFAR/FAO, tel.: 003906 57053606, fax: 3906 57053898, e-mail
francois.mazaud@fao.org; FAO, Rom, Italy;33. Francesca AMBROSINI, Dr., Consultant, GFAR/FAO, tel.: 3906 57053194, fax: 3906 57053898, e-mail
francesca.ambrosini@fao.org FAO, Rom, Italy;