1. Foreword
FAO the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization came out with a global initiative on strengthening and development of agriculture post-harvest sector. In regards to this initiative a Regional consultations State and perspectives of post-harvest technologies in agrarian sector for Central Asia and Caucasus was held in the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 20-22, 2002.
Preparation of the Regional Workshop of Central Asian countries and Caucasus was coordinated by Regional Agricultural Research Forum forming a part of Global Forum GFAR. The President of the Forum of Agrarian Research in Central Asia and Caucasus is Azimkhan Satybaldin, doctor of economical sciences, professor, corresponding-member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director General of the National Academician Center of Agrarian Research (NACAR) of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
35 representatives of International organizations of Central Asia and Caucasus participated in the work of Workshop: Francois Mazaud, FAO/GFAR Secretariat, Francesca Ambrosisni, FAO/GFAR consultant, professor Azimkhan Satybaldin, President of Agricultural Research Forum for Central Asia and Caucasus, Director General of National Academician Center of Agrarian Research (NACAR) of Ministry of Education and Siences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. Alexei Morgunov, CIMMYT regional coordinator, professor Garnik Petrosyan , head of the Department of plants growing and protection, Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia, Dr. Mickael Oganessyan, chief scientific collaborator of Paren Scientific and Industrial Corporation of Armenia, professor Sadyk Salakhov, Director of Azerbaijan Institute of Economics of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia, Dr. Vahid Abbassov, chief researcher of Azerbaijan Research Institute of Economics of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, professor Nougzar Bagatouriya, Director of Georgian Food Industry Research Institute, professor Guram Papounidze, Director of Georgian Research Institute of Storage and Processing of Subtropical Crops, Borashil Saipov, Science Division Head, Kyrgyz Agrarian University, Dr. Valeriy Abassov, Deputy Director, Kyrgyz Agriculture Researh Institute, professor Bobo Sandinov, President of Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Toursounbay Akhmedov, Director General, Bogparvar Scientific and Industrial Center, Tajik Academy of Sciences, Dr. Shermat Nourmatov, deputy Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, Director General of Uzbek Scientific and Industrial Center of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Bahtiyer Kamilov, head of the department of planning and coordination, Uzbek Scientific and Industrial Center of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Bakhodir Khalikov, head of Department, Uzbek Research Institute of cotton growing, professor Clara Tulemissova, academician-secretary of National Academicial Center of Agrarian Research, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Vladinir Grigoruk, scientific secretary-consultant of National Academician Center of Agrarian Research, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr, Saule Bakirova , consultant of the National Academician Center of Agrarian Research, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Kopmagambet Elemessov, Deputy Director General, National Academician Center of Agrarian Research, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Vladimir Golikov, academician-secretary of the National Academician Center of Agrarian Research of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. Irina Mamleyeva, scientific secretary-consultant of the National Academician Center of Agrarian Research, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Abdumanap Ospanov, Director, Kazakh Reseach Institute of Grain and its Products Processing, professor Dayrabay Abdeli, Deputy Director, Kazakh Research Institute of Food Industry, Dr. Galina Dudikova, Director of Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetables, professor Sailau Babayev, President of Kazakh Union of Food Producers, Dr. Anatoly Popelyushko, Vice-President of Kazakh Union of Food Producers, Nina Bezrukova, Vice-president of the Union of Food Prosucers, Adilmyrza Maralov, Chairman of Board Council of Altyn Diirmen Corporation, professor Aulbek Iztayev, head of the chair Technology of Bread Products, Almaty Technological University, Abirov, supervisor of agricultural project of Vita Company, Fatrima Berdoly, Commercial Director of Almaty margarine plant, Valentina Pidlisnyuk, Head of the Chair of agro ecology, National Agrarian University, Ukraine, Valery Tsvilikhovsky, junior researcher, National Agrarian University of Ukraine.
The reports were presented by: Francois Mazaud, Francesca Ambrosini, Azimkhan Satybaldin, Michael Oganessyan, Vladimir Grigoruk, Vagid Abbassov, Garnik Petrosyan, Nugzar Bagatyriya, Alexei Morgunov, Clara Tulemissova, Anatoly Popelyushko, Borashil Saipov, Tursunbay Akhmedov, Rasulmat Khussanov, Guram Papunidze, Abdymanap Ospanov, Dayrabay Abdeli, BoboSanginov, Vladimir Golikov, Valentina Pidlisyuk.
Two working groups were formed for analysis of weak and strong sides, possibilities and danger of SWOT region post-harvest sector. The first group joined the representatives of Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine. The second was presented by representatives of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Azerbaijan. The latter refused to work together with participants from Armenia due to political conflict.
During the joint meetings of working groups aims and objectives of post-harvest initiative in the region, strategic priorities were defined, measures for the problem solution and recommendations were developed.
The exhibition of food products produced in Kazakhstan by enterprises of different property worked during the Workshop. The participants of the Workshop visited joint-stock companies Bakhus, Altym Diirmen, Rakhat which are the enterprises of post-harvest sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.