Ilya Digel, Ph.D

Date of birth: 1973, 11 May
Marital status: married
Gender: male
Home address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 480066, Almaty, Aina-Bulak-3,
House #.143, app. 23
Phone: work: +7-3272-633603, fax: +7-3272- 635817,
Phone: home: +7-3272-940272

Me as a scientist

Field of specialization: development of diagnostic systems (ELISA, dot-blot IFA) for detection of antibodies and viral antigens, theoretical mechanisms.
- nitrocellulose membrenes-based assays for the detection of glycolipids and other antigens
- immunomodulators and immunopotentiators of plant origin
Professional skills:
Principal physical, chemical, biochemical, immunological, virological methods.
Statistical and theoretical analysis of obtained data.
Dot immunobinding assay (DIA) on nitrocellulose membrane
Profound theoretical knowledge in microbiology, virology, organic chemistry of dye compounds, immunology (adjuvants and modulators), surface chemistry.

Professional experience:
2001-2002 Dept. of Virogy of KNSU
Position: senior researcher
2001-2002 Journal “Food processing industry and packaging”.
Position: Editor-in-chief
1997-1999 Ministry of ecology, geology and natureal resources of Republic of Kazakhstan.
Position: scientific consultant, interpreter, administrator
1996-2002 Scientific agricultural library of Republic of Kazakhstan.
Position: senior bibliograph, database administrator, interpreter
1994-1997 Institute of microbiology and virology of Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
Position: consequently: laboratory assistant, junior researcher, senior researcher.

Professional interests:
Theoretical aspects of biotechnology.
Peculiarities of immobilization of microbial cells and enzymes onto solid surfaces.
Food technologies

Certificates and awards:
2000 - Certificate of pre-press specialist (digital printing&design) (VIP SYSTEMS, Moscow)
1998 - Certificate of Association of Teachers of English Language (Almaty).
1997 - Personal grant (scholarship) from Government of Kazakhstan
1995 - Gold Medal of Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan
1994 - Award of Ministry of Higher Education of Kazakhstan

1998 - Philosophy doctor in Microbiology & Virology (KNSTU, Almaty).
1995 -1997 Post-graduate scholarship of Kazakh National State University named by al-Farabi.
1990 -1995 Biology faculty of Kazakh National State University. Biologist-chemist.

Language skills:
English - fluent conversation on almost all subjects
German- basic conversation skills.
Russian - mother tongue

Additional information:
Approximately 40 scientific publications
Have experience as a lecturer for 2 years in Kazakh National University
Wide experience as a system, network and database administrator for Mac and IBM computers
Hobby - sport, chess, piano, painting

Me as a polygraphist

Field of specialization digital printing, graphic design, computer systems administration

Professional knowledge
Printing Digital printing systems AGFA Chromapress, Xeikon DCP, Man Roland Dicopress, Indigo - printing, handling, preventive maintenance, service (developer change, nip-rollers change etc.). Preparing and printing variable and personalized data, "Orloff" printing, printing of the images with protection against a fake.
Full circle of post-print works (cutting, binding, bending, pasting, punching etc.)

Designer & prepress systems skills Desktop publishing systems (preparing ps-files etc.) using Qwark Xpress, Adobe InDesign. Adobe Illustrator 9, Adobe Photoshop 6.0, Corel Draw 10. Scanning, color correction, color separation, making profiles, imposition.
Specific software Chromacon 1.4, ChromaWatch, Chromapost, Ultimate Impostrip Impress, Personalizer and others.

Computer skills Administration of computer systems & local networks based on Windows 9X, Windows NT and MacOS 9.1. Database management (MS Access, MS SQL Server). Some experience in hardware maintenance and service.

Professional experience:
1999-present time Printing Center "Extrapress". Position: operator of Agfa Chromapress system and prepress specialist.
2000-present time Editorial board of Magazine "Food Industry and Packaging in Kazakhstan". Position: editor assistant (part-time)
1997-1999 Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Republic of Kazakhstan. Position: database administrator, designer, system administrator.
1996-2000 National Agricultural Library of Republic of Kazakhstan. Position - bibliographer, system administrator.

Certificates & awards:
2000 - certified operator of Digital Printing Machines (Visual Image Printing Systems, Moscow-Stuttgart).
2001- certified prepress specialist (Extrapress corp., Almaty)
1998- Certificate of Almaty Association of Teachers of English Language).

Higher Education:
Philosophy doctor in microbiology.
1995-1997 Post-graduate scholarship on the department of microbiology at the Kazakh State National University, Almaty.
1990-1995 Biology faculty of the Kazakh National State University, Almaty.

Language skills:
English - Working knowledge. Fluent conversation on (almost) all subjects, can understand (almost) all sorts of written texts, intermediate ability to write
German - intermediate conversation skills, can understand most technical langueage in written form, can get the idea of a newspaper article
Russian - mother tongue
French, Kazakh - beginner knowledge, some conversation, understand some writing

Additional information:
Hobby - basketball, small tennis, chess, piano playing
The personal characteristics - hardworking, quickly trained, sociable, cheerful, erudite.

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